Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Sami's Strategies for Valentine's Edition Goals (RS)

I am not a great strategist, but I do have a couple of strategies I thought I would share. If you have any strategies for the Valentine Edition of Restaurant Story, please share them in the comments section below!

  • WAIT to cook the Baked Scallops (required for the first step in the Exacto Scallops goal) until you get to the 3rd step of the Extra Cash goal (called Wafflebot Operational). They BOTH require Baked Scallops and guess what?! The game registers every Baked Scallop that you cook for BOTH goals!! If you wait until you have both scallop requiring goals, when you cook your Baked Scallops, you can knock out all the scallops at one time :)
  • DO NOT use Gems for quick foods or items that you request from neighbors. 
    • Quick food are easy! Just set all your appliances cooking the quick foods and you can knock out those goals in no time.
    • For requesting, I find it is best to require an item from at least twice as many neighbors as you think it will take. For example, if you need 2 Measuring Cups, then ask at least 4 of your neighbors. Chances are, if you only request it from two neighbors, you are going to be waiting a while. DO NOT USE GEMS for neighbor requests, they usually cost somewhere around 5 gems per skipped item! That is a lot!!  If you need more neighbors, visit the Team Lava Forum (link in the sidebar) or the Restaurant Story Facebook page. People at both places are always looking for neighbors.
  • If you are getting impatient and want to use Gems, use them on the foods that take FOREVER to make, like the 16 hour foods or the 1 Day foods. But only if they only require one Gem per recipe. Some goals over Christmas required 2 gems for some of the longer foods. 
  • I always cook the quick foods and request all items first. Then before I go to sleep, I set the longer cooking foods. Eventually if I get bored of cooking the longer cooking foods, I just use gems to finish the last few of the required foods.


  1. Hi, on what stove or grill do you base de scallops? I cant fino them any where! Thanks,

    1. I am the same, no clue where they are??? Anyone know???

    2. The baked scallops are in the oven appliance I am pretty sure. It is like the 3 rd or 4 th recipe under the appliance.
