Monday, December 17, 2012

Decor Unlocked: Santa's Grotto (BS)

I was finally able to complete the Rudolph goal, which in turn completed the Assemble the Reindeer goal. The Assemble the Reindeer goal unlocked the new Santa's Grotto decor item (picture coming soon! my hubby is playing with my iPhone right now so I can't add the photo yet lol).

This new decor item is BIG! It takes up 9 squares/tiles in the bakery. Like most other locked by decor items, you get one decor item free & then you have to pay for additional ones with Gems. After the first free one, the Santa's Grotto costs 32 Gems each.

If you can't find the decor item under the design/inventory screen, just keep scrolling to the end. Mine appeared at almost the last screen, but before my unlocked decor items from the Halloween Edition.

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