Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Monster Oven Parts Requirements (RS)

Here is the parts info for the new Monster Oven in Restaurant Story Halloween Edition. It requires a new part called the Magical Brick.

To see the Monster Oven Recipes, click here! (coming soon!!)

Monster Oven parts required:
10 Nozzles
18 Magical Bricks

Monster Oven
30,000 Coins


  1. Hi! Is it just to buy the oven, place it, and then ask your friends for parts? Because I wasn't able to buy and place the oven, even though I had enought money, and room for the oven (I was allowed one more appliance). Or did I somehow miss how to buy stuff you need parts for? Hope you can answer me!:)

    1. Is the oven showing up as locked and says a level #? You might not be in a high enough level to purchase it.

      If it isn't showing up in your appliance section at all, contact Team Lava.

      Hope that helps!
