Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Fruit Chocolate Dip Recipes (BS)

There are two recipes on the Fruit Chocolate Dip appliance in Bakery Story Valentine Edition. The Chocolate Strawberries are available as soon as you build the appliance. The Chocolate Pineapple is "locked by goal", which means you have to complete a series of steps in a goal in order to unlock the recipe.

To see the parts required to construct the Fruit Chocolate Dip, click here!

To see the goal requirements to unlock the Chocolate Pineapple Recipe, click here!

Chocolate Strawberries
Costs 1,320 Coins
Takes 18 hours
Earns 5,900 Coins and 167 XP
Serves 1,475

Chocolate Pineapple
Costs 1,010 Coins
Takes 12 Hours
Earns 4,000 Coins and 116 XP
Serves 1,000

Here is the finished Chocolate Strawberry recipe:

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