Monday, April 8, 2013

SweetCo Station Recipe: Lil Devil (BS)

SweetCo Station Recipe: Caramel Supremo (BS)

SweetCo Cupcake Tree (BS)

SweetCo Station Recipe: Fluffalanch (BS)

SweetCo Station Parts Requirement (BS)

A Devilish Dessert Goal (BS)

Under Pressure Goal (RS)

Feeling Friendly? Goal (RS)

Natasha's First Masterpiece Goal (BS)

The Secret Ingredient Goal (BS)

Proof Is In The Frosting Goal (BS)

A Bitter Loser (BS)

What a Whimsical World Goal (BS)

Take a Sweet Seat Goal (BS)

This goal appears when the One Lucky Winner goal is completed. This goal offers GEMS! Which is pretty rare but awesome :)

Take a Sweet Seat Goal requirements:
Have 6 SweetCo Chairs (locked by another goal), can skip for 12 Gems.
Have 6 SweetCo Tables (locked by another goal), can skip for 12 Gems.

2 Gems and 90 XP

The Green Thumb Guide Goal

This goal appears when the Inferior Ingredients goal is completed.

The Green Thumb Guide Goal requirements:
Build 2 Spring Stoves, can skip for 4 Gems (you will need these for many more goals so you need to just build them.
Prepare 30 ZUcchini Soups ( a 2 hour recipe on the Spring Stoves), can skip for 15 Gems.
Serve 30 Zucchini Soups (can be the same 30 that count above), can skip for 30 Gems.

1400 Coins and 75 XP

Show Me Spring Goal (BS)

This goal appears when The Essence of Spring goal is completed.

Show Me Spring Goal requirements:
Serve 12 Garden Salads (a 30 minute recipe), can skip for 12 minutes.
Have 1 Garden Archway (locked by a different goal), can skip for 2 Gems.
Buy 2 counters (can be any 2 counters), can skip for 4 gems.

1440 Coins and 80 XP
Spring Stove is unlocked

One Lucky Winner Goal (BS)

This goal appears when the Ruffled Feathers goal is completed.

One Lucky Winner goal requirements:
Serve 14 Celebration Cupcakes (a 6 hour recipe), can skip for 14 Gems.
Buy 2 counters (can be any counters), can skip for 4 Gems.
Tell 6 Neighbors You've won (just visit 6 of your neighbors), can skip for 24 Gems.

2700 Coins and 75 XP

Ruffled Feathers Goals (BS)

This goal appears once the I've Got a Raffle Ticket goal is completed.

Ruffled Feathers Goal requirements:
Ask Community for 8 Raffle Tickets (must request these from your neighbors), can skip for 40 Gems.
Serve 8 Sugar Cookies (a 1 day recipe on the regular ovens), can skip for 8 Gems.

Reward for completing this goal:
2,650 Coins and 70 XP

An Essence of Spring Goal (RS)

This goal appears when the An Old Friend goal is completed.

The Essence of Spring goal requirements:
Buy 8 Spring Vine Wallpaper (cost 5,000 each), can skip for 16 Gems.
Buy 20 Spring Meadow Floor TIles (cost 4000 each), can skip for 40 Gems.
Ask 10 Community Members for Fresh Water (have to request these from your neighbors), can skip for 50 Gems.

1370 Coins and 75 XP
Spring Chair Unlocked

Inferior Ingredients Goal (RS)

This goal appears after the An Old Friend goal is completed.

Inferior Ingredients goal requirements:
Serve 10 Stews (a 2 day recipe), can skip for 10 Gems.
Buy 5 Spring Bloom Chairs (chairs start out locked by goal), can skip for 10 Gems.
Buy 5 Spring Bloom Tables (16,000 Coins), can skip for 10 Gems.

1350 Coins and 70 XP

An Old Friend Goal (RS)

This goal is the first goal that appears for the SPring goals in Restaurant Story.

An Old Friend goal requirements:
Accept Spring Flower (just press Accept)
Serve 8 Fruit Salads (a 15 minute recipe), can skip for 8 Gems.

1,310 Coins and 70 XP

I've Got A Raffle Ticket (BS)

This is the first of the SweetCo goals for Bakery Story.

I've Got a Raffle Ticket goal requirements:
Hide Your Sweet Co Raffle Ticket (just hit hide)
Serve 2 Coffees (a 5 minute recipe on the regular drink mixer), can skip for 2 Gems.
Serve 2 Hot Chocolates (a 16 hour recipe on the regular drink mixer), can skip for 2 Gems.

Reward for completing this goal:
2,610 Coins and 70 XP

Spring Stove Recipes (RS)

The Spring Stove Recipes are already unlocked when you unlock the appliance.

Here are the recipe details:

Braised Lamb
Takes 6 hours
Costs 680 Coins
Earns 1000 Coins and 62 XP
Serves 250

Snow Pea Risotto
Takes 4 Hours
Costs 490 Coins
Earns 1,600 Coins and 56 XP
Serves 400

Zucchini Soup
Takes 2 Hours
Costs 300 Coins
Earns 2400 Coins and 48 XP
Serves 600

Spring Stove Unlocked! Parts Requirements (RS)

The Spring Stove is unlocked in Restaurant Story when the goal Show Me Spring has been completed.

It takes a few goals to get to this goal, but it doesn't take very long to get to this goal.

The Spring Stove costs 20,000 coins.

Spring Stove Parts Requirements:
5 Picnic Basket
5 Spring Leaf


There are new goals for Bakery Story and Restaurant Story!!

The Bakery Story goals are related to the new SweetCo theme which is all about candy/sugary items. The items so far for this theme are really adorable.

The goals for Restaurant Story are all about Spring.

Each game is offering a new locked by goal appliance and goals to get additional decor or recipes unlocked!! I will work on posting as many of the new goals as I can get through, but right now I haven't been playing very much.

Good luck with your goals. What do you think of them so far?